# of watchers: 3
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2010-02-12 Jace nodded and drank it. He gaged and grobed the glass it brakeing on the floor and he ran out of the room his hand over his mouth
2010-02-12 Max frowned and nodded backing up he steped on a pice of glass and whimpered picking up his foot, but didnt cry
2010-02-12 Max looked at Armond and held his small foot out to Armond a bit of blood on it and a pice of glass in it
2010-02-12 Max smiled and nuzzled his face in his neck
Jace walked in and frowned at them he looked down and got a glass of water
2010-02-12 Max smiled more and giggled.
Jace frowned watching and looked down as he sipped his water
2010-02-12 Armodn held him tighly
Liz walked in the kitchen and walked up behind Jace and hugged him,"Jaceys."
2010-02-12 Jace looked at Liz and picked her up, "Come on lets go, dad want me to put him in the play room you have to work."
Max held on to Armond smiling
2010-02-12 Liz,"Ks."she held onto him tightly.
Armodn set Max down, Go with Jace to the play room and play with Elizabeth
2010-02-12 Max frowned and nodded, OK daddys but remebers you promessed.
Jace sighed and carried Liz as he grabed Max;s hand and walked out
2010-02-12 Armond waved as he walked into his office
Liz layed her head on Jace's shoudler as she held onto him tightly
2010-02-12 Max pulled away from Jace seeing the penio He smiled running to it and crawling on the seat.
Jace;s face pailed, "Maximus no that was minas dad said to never touch it."
2010-02-12 Liz,"Maxys a bad boy."she pointed to him
Armond frowned a little hearing someone play Mina's penio
2010-02-12 Jace frowned and set Liz down as he went to Max
Max giggled and played twinkle twinkle little star XD
2010-02-12 Jace frowned and pulled Max off making his stop he mad max look at him than pointed to the penio and shook his head, "No."
Max frowned
2010-02-12 Armond stopped when he couldn't hear any music, he shrugged and walked back to his office.
Liz shook her head at MAx
2010-02-12 Max frowned as Jace pulled him away.
Max pulled away and pointed to his room, Jace nodded and let Max go to his room
2010-02-12 Jace walked to the play room
Max waited for him to go and he went back to the peanio and played, a song with out knowing it XD
2010-02-12 Jace cursed, "I'll kill him, no dad will let him find the boy."
Max smiled playing more like he had been for years
2010-02-12 Liz dragged Jace out and to the play room just as Armond walked in
Armond saw MAx, Maximus!
2010-02-12 Armond picked Max up, No playing now Mina's penio and no I'm not finished working.
Liz walked into the playing room and she ran for her toys
2010-02-12 Jace chukled and took it.
Max, Daddy said no penio but what about this. He took a violen and set it in frount of him running his hands over the stings
2010-02-12 [Time skip ~ 1 year]
Max was in the vioin in the music room
Jace yawned in the kitchen, "God kid has to play that now?"
2010-02-12 Luna shrugged,"I guess so."
Liz saw Jace and she jumped off ehr chair and ran to him and hugged him,"Mornigns Jaceys!"
2010-02-12 Armond was in the shower
Liz walked back to her chair and sat down.
2010-02-12 JAce nodded, "Yeah."
Max went in Armond's room he saw the steam under the bathroom door and curled up on Armond's bed waiting
2010-02-12 Luna nodded and put soem pancakes for him on a plates and handed it to him
Armodn showered
2010-02-12 Luna,"Welcome.
Armond got otut he shower and ryed off and got dressed then he walked out the bathroom an dsaw Max, he smiled
2010-02-12 Max smiled, Morning daddys. He held out his arms. I slept with yous, but didnt's wants to wakes you this mornings.
2010-02-12 Armond got pancakes for himself and Max then eh sat down and put Max's plates in front of him
2010-02-12 Max smiled drinking the blood he looked out the window and saw Rosaine and started crying jumping to Armond
2010-02-12 Armond held him close to him.
Rosaine held her,"Liz where is your brother?"
Liz,"Kitchen, mummys."she nuzzled her and held onto her tightly
2010-02-12 Rosaine,"Good girl."she walked to the kitcehn as she held Liz.
Armond mental shhhed him
Luna washed the dishes
2010-02-12 Max saw Rosaine walk in and cryed more holding to to Armond tightly. Daddy no don;t let her hurt me.
2010-02-12 Armond frowned then he looked up and saw Rosaine,"You!"
Liz nuzzled her more.
Luna saw her and she ran out the room to find James and Hope
2010-02-12 Liz,"Nos! Mes wants to plays with mummys."she held onto her tightly.
Rosaine,"That my girl."then she looked at Armond and Max,"Hello Armond it's been a while."she chuckles coldly as she held Liz.
Luna saw Hope,"troble!"
Hope,"What now?"
2010-02-12 James yawned, "Really now?"
Max held on to Armond tightly
Jace frowned and growled at Rosaine
2010-02-12 Rosanie looked at Jace,"Mini mutt be nice." she kicked him.
Liz giggles as she nuzzled her face on her mothers neck,"Mummys."
Luna told them.
2010-02-12 Jace fell and frowned at her.
James sighed
Max held on to Armond looking at Rosanie frighted
2010-02-12 Rosanie,"Come here Maximus."she snapped.
Armond,"He's not going anywhere with you and same gose for Elizabeth."
Liz,"Mes loves mummy. Mes want to be with mummy forever."she cuddled her.
Rosanie,"I think you daughter has choice who she wants to be with but I want MAximus too."
Luna,"Come on!"she she ran back to the kitchen
Hope ran after
2010-02-12 Rosanie,"he is my son, so I want him with me."
Armond,"You can go to hell you hag."
Liz,"Nos being means to mummys!"she snapped at Armmond
Luna ran into the kitchen and she ran to Jace.
Hope ran in,"Oy bitch your not welcome here."
Rosaine,"Oh I do beilieve I am."
2010-02-12 Luna helped Jace up,"You okay, bro?"
Armond,"Hope, James please take care of Miss.Sliverfan
Hope,"Got it boss."she went to get Liz but Rosanie held up a gun to Hope's heart.
Liz,"Prettys gun mummys."
2010-02-12 Luna nodded.
Rosanie,"Thank you Elizabeth."she looked at Hope,"Now this is how it's going to go, you are going to let me walk out of here with my son and daughter and never come away us again, understand."
Hope just looked at her, James take the bitch out, okay? What every she dose to me just take her out and Liz away from her too.
2010-02-12 James nodded andwent past Hope he turned and kicked Rosaine in her side
MAx held on to Armond, Daddy........
2010-02-12 Rosanie shot at Hope as she got kicked.
Liz held onto her mother tightly.
Hope grunted when she got shot in the gut.
Armond held him close and covered his eyes
2010-02-12 Rosanie jumped out the way as she hedl Liz close to her.
Liz,"Mummys lets goses."she begged
Hope fell to her knee;s and touched where she had been shot and saw blood,"Not good."
Luna<"HOPE!"she ran to her
Armond held max clsoe to him
2010-02-12 James looked at Hope for a second.
Jace frowned, "Hope." He went to her.
Max whimpered and pushed Rosanie back with his mind with out meaning it
2010-02-12 Rosanie stubbled back a bit
Hope looked at James and nodded, Finsh her, now
Luna grabed some towel and put them on her wound and put pressure on it.
2010-02-12 Jace helped.
James nodded and pulled Rodanie to him and turning her putting a knife on her thoght, "Drop Liz."
2010-02-12 Rosanie,"I would but she won't let go of me."
Liz was hang off her mother as she held onto her tightly
2010-02-12 Roasine let go of Liz,"I just let go of her but she won't let go of me."
Liz,"NOS KILL MUMMYS!!!!!!!"
2010-02-12 James reached around and pulled Liz away from her he pushed Roasine too the door holding Liz
2010-02-12 Liz cryed and held her arms out to her, "MUMMYS!!!!!!!
Rosaine looked at Liz then she walked away
Hope coughed and closed her eyes.
Luna,"Hope, talk to us!"
2010-02-12 Liz kicked James,"Mummy! Comes back please!!!!!!!" she cryed
Armond held Max close.
Hope opened her eyes and coughed
2010-02-12 James, "Yes he does, he just doesn't show it." He started walking back.
Max looked at Armond shaking, Mommys gone?
2010-02-12 Armond held him tightly.
Liz shook her head,"Nu hes dosen't. Yous be mes daddy?"she asked James
2010-02-12 Max nuzzled his head under Armond's head.
James frowned, "No that's Armond." He looked at Armond and set Liz down
2010-02-12 Liz frowned and hugged James's leg and held onto to it,"Pleasez?"
Armond looked at Liz,"Come here Elizabeth."
2010-02-12 James pulled her off his leg and lightly pushed her to Armon, "Do as your father says." He picked up Hope and walked out to take care of her, with Jace fallowing.
Max looked at Liz
2010-02-12 Hope moans when he picked her up,"Sorry...J-
Luna followed James
Liz frowned and walked to Armond
Armond picked her up and held her clsoe
2010-02-12 Max smiled at Liz as he held on to Armond
James, "It's OK." He walked to the med room and set her down, "Casey."
Jace sat in a chair by hope
2010-02-12 Luna,"Casey is on holiday remember, James."
Hope,"She picked the prefect time for a holiday."she groaned
Liz frowned more
2010-02-12 James sighed, "I need to fix her up than."
Jace frowned looking at Hope, "You'll be ok right?"
Max held on to Armond
2010-02-12 Hope,"No...I won't be."she blinked,"She put...some on the bulet."
Luna frowned,"get it out of her."
Armond held them close.
Liz frowned more
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